Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How do you know what jobs to apply for and what jobs you are even qualified to do? This has been an on going conversation I've had in my head along with fellow classmates. I've spent a lot time recalling my education, what I've learned, what I've forgotten, and the experiences I've had. I've come to realize that my most beneficial experiences have come from hands-on opportunities. Just jumping in, and holding on tight! Realizing this aspect of my education and coming to terms with it, has been a weight that has been lifted off my shoulders. We all don't know everything; we all don't have a solution to every problem. People make mistakes and you learn from them. While you might be saying, DUH! It's a hard concept to accept. I hate going into projects not fully understanding what needs to get done. But what I've learned from trial and error has been the most rewarding.

I was reading over my PR teachers blog posts, and she had a link that caught my attention. How to get a job you're not qualified for found on Penelope Trunk's blog. She touches on three tips to landing a career you never thought you qualified for:

1. Create a project from a different arena that interests you.
2. Take responsibility for your own education.
3. Just apply.

It was the third tip that struck me the most. Just apply! What a simple concept. Why not, what’s the worst that can happen? You don't get the job! Fine, but trying will never leave you asking "what if?' and you'll never know what could have been. You never know you might get hired, and learn something about yourself and obtain a new skill. You'll never know until you try. So why not, give it a try! Apply for that job you think is a long shot, as long as you believe in yourself; the employer has no reason not to believe in you as well. Each job is a learning experience! So get to learning!

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